Sunday, 28 November 2010

Bristol Socialist Party meeting 30/11/2010 7.30pm

The Student Movement and British Perspectives -  a talk by Matt Gordon

Cheltenham Road Library, Cheltenham Rd, Bristol, BS6 5QX - Tuesday 30/11/10 7.30pm

Find us here

On Tuesday we will be holding our monthly aggregate, or all-regional, meeting of the Socialist Party. I will be introducing a discussion on 'British Perspectives', based on the recent National Committee meeting of the Socialist Party. I will try to give a  Marxist analysis of the economic, social and political situation today and the prospects for the rising Anti-Cuts movement. I will be looking in special detail at recent events around education cuts and counter-reforms and the student response to them - how we can build the movement, link up the campaigns of workers and students, defend ourselves from the police and the State, and ultimately break up the ConDem coalition and defeat the cuts once and for all. Now is the time to get involved so please come along. Email me to find out more.

Protest in central London against higher tuition fees and education cuts , photo Suzanne Beishon

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