Sunday, 7 August 2011

Jarrow March 2011: Letter of Support from PCS DWP Young Members Committee

Below is the letter from the PCS DWP YMC:
The PCS DWP Young Members Committee fully supports the Jarrow to London march, organised by Youth Fight for Jobs (YFJ), in October and November 2011. Our committee represents thousands of young workers in DWP and CMEC who deliver vital public welfare services. We welcome the important role that Youth Fight for Jobs has played in organising unemployed youth, young workers and students in fighting for a decent future. Futhermore, we welcome the historic decision taken by YFJ to organise a march from Jarrow to London on the 75th anniversary of the first Jarrow march.
PCS young members in the DWP are very familiar with the effects that unemployment can have on individuals and communities. We deliver a
public welfare service aimed at getting people into work and lifting people out of poverty. Unfortunately, our efforts are hampered by office closures, job cuts, and an under-staffed service. As young trade unionists, we also recognise that unemployment undermines the ability of working people to organise through trade unions to improve our lot in life. Employers are quick to point out that if you’re unhappy, there’s plenty of people worse off out there who would be
willing to replace you. The fight against unemployment and for decent jobs is a key trade union issue.
PCSyoung members in the DWP are grateful for the support of YFJ in our campaigns for decent working conditions in call centres,
fighting cuts in jobs, pay, redundancy protection and pensions, and for mpermanent jobs for staff on fixed-term contracts. We believe that it is a
national scandal that there are nearly 1 million young people out of work at the present time, and commend Youth Fight for Jobs in organising to highlight
this shameful situation. We will do whatever we can to promote, publicise and support the Jarrow to London March for Jobs.
In solidarity,
PCS DWP Young Members Committee

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