Save the NHS!
Bristol May Day Demonstration & Rally
Called by Bristol & District Anti-Cuts Alliance
& supported by Bristol Trades Council & various local Trade Union branches
Saturday 5th May 2012
Assemble 11am College Green
This doesn't mean that the fight to save the NHS is over – it's just starting. People up and down the country will resist these changes.
The new act will fragment the NHS. Private companies will take over services and make a profit from them. The result will be a system like the USA where many people have no health care and private health companies make vast profits.
The changes are costing billions of pounds at a time when the government is also cutting the NHS budget. We will end up with a worse service and have to pay to use it. Only the private health companies will benefit.
The NHS is should be about co-operation not competition and privatisation. NHS workers and users of the service all recognise the threat these changes make. Together we can prevent them being implemented.
This demonstration is one of several events in the city marking May Day – international workers' day.
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