Opposing the racist English Defence League march in Bristol on 14th July: Latest News…

The TUC South West Regional Council opposes the planned march of the English Defence League (EDL) in Bristol on the 14th July 2012.
The Regional Council notes the group “We Are Bristol”, that has been set up to counter the English Defence League march and to organise a rally against racism, in the centre of Bristol.
In recognising that the Trades Union Councils Joint Consultative Committee (TUCJCC) agreed, as a strand in the Programme of Work for 2011 – 2012, Fighting Fascism and the Far Right, and in particular:
• Counteracting the moderate face of fascism with campaigns which reveal the BNP, EDL and others real agenda,
The South West TUC Regional Council urges all Trade Unions and Trades Councils that are affiliated to SWTUC, to support the organized events to counter the far Right in every way possible. This should include where possible;
• South West TUC and affiliates agreeing and supporting the “We Are Bristol” Statement against the EDL,
• Trade Unions and Trades Council’s to publicise the events to counter the EDL in Bristol,
• effective encouragement for all Trade Union and Trades Council members in the South West to attend the events to Counter the EDL on the 14th July in Bristol.
Despite the vast amount of publicity there has been about the various counter demo’s planned to oppose the EDL and their hate-fuelled message, the police have put out the following disingenuous and threatening message via ‘The Post’…
“As far as we know there will be no counter protest in the city centre. Counter groups have either not come forward or do not want to inform us of their intentions.
“We will have officers in the city centre area so that we can respond should a counter-protest begin.
“As soon as we see any mass movement start up we will make sure that they do not have access to the EDL, nor to the gay pride event happening on College Green.”
Assistant Chief Constable Anthony Bangham, Avon & Somerset Police
(Full article here: http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/Half-million-pound-cost-police-right-wing-march/story-16477189-detail/story.html)
In light of this sort of attempted intimidation, it is even more vital that as many people as possible turn out on the 14th both to show the EDL that their vile bigotry is not welcome on the streets of our city and to show the police that we will not be intimidated into not protesting – especially as the bill to us as council tax payers is estimated at between £500,000 and £1 million!
Three main counter demo’s have been publicised:
‘We Are Bristol’ / Unite Against Fascism (UAF) rally & march: Assemble 11am at the Fountains, Bristol City Centre. Supported by BADACA and many other local trade unions and campaigning organisations. More details here. Facebook grouphere.
Bristol Anti-Fascists: Assemble 11am at Temple Meads Station. More details here. Article from ‘The Post’ about Bristol Anti-Fascists here. Twitter account: @stopedl /hashtag: #stopedl
Anti-Racist and Proud @ Bristol Pride Parade (anti-EDL contingent in the main We Are: Proud Parade): Assemble 11am at Berkeley Square (BS8) for march to College Green. More details here.
Let’s send the EDL a clear message that they are not welcome on our streets so that it’s at least another 35 years until the far-right try to march in Bristol again!!! See you on 14th!
More information…
BADACA statement on EDL march
More about the campaign against the EDL march
Official Police & Council leaflet for residents (including the planned route.)
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