Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Public Meeting - The Socialist Case for Leaving the EU

The Socialist Case for Leaving the EU

Bristol leg of the 20 City Tour organised by
TUSC - the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

Judy Beishon - Socialist Party EC
Eddie Dempsey - RMT executive member for South West and South Wales (TBC)
Hugh Williams - Socialist Workers Party
Chaired by Tom Baldwin - TUSC Bristol mayoral candidate

Tuesday 31st May, 7.30pm
YHA Bristol (The Grain House)
14 Narrow Quay, BS1 4QA

See tusc.org.uk/events for up to date information and details of other meetings in the tour.

The EU referendum debate is being dominated by right wing arguments on both sides. There's a clash between two wings of the establishment, each headed by an old Etonian. We're hearing what's good for business and how to best keep migrant workers down. The only voices claiming to be speaking for workers seem to think we can rely on the ruling classes on Europe to protect our rights, at a time when these are under attack across the continent.

To help widen the debate and inject the voice of workers TUSC have organised a tour of 20 cities with public meetings putting the socialist case for leaving the EU.

The EU is a bosses' club that is based on a series of free trade deals aimed at increasing the profits of big business. It has pushed austerity, most noticeably in Greece and has privatisation of things like railways and postal services enshrined in its laws. While the internal freedom of movement is breaking down it is still fiercely defending the idea of 'Fortress Europe' as shown by their recent deal with Turkey. It is thoroughly undemocratic, elected MEPs can only rubber stamp decisions taken by the council of ministers and officials. The EU is not a friend of the working class and we do not have any democratic mechanism to reform it in our favour.

Whether you agree with these arguments or are just interested in hearing a different point of view on the debate then please come along and invite others.

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