Sunday, 24 July 2011

BADACA: Campaign Against Social Care Cuts

The Campaign Aganist Cuts To Social Care In Bristol Has Got Off To A Flying Start

Last Monday's BADACA meeting and the two lobbies of the City Council have laid the foundations for a concerted campaign against the council's threats to close homes and day care facilities for the elderly and vulnerable while at the same time threatening funding to voluntary organisations which provide vital services to these people and their families.

Workers at the council-run services turned out to tell councillors what they thought of these plans. So did workers and representatives of threatened voluntary sector organisations and users of the services. Leading LibDem councillors were uncomfortable facing criticism of their plans. They will need to get used to it because there's plenty more to come.

At the BADACA meeting on Monday 1st August representatives of service users and workers will report on activities so far. It will be an opportunity to plan the next stage of the campaign to protect social care services in the city from the council's threatened cuts. Details are below – please try to come along and pass the information on to anyone you know who is effected by these threatened cuts.

The care homes under threat include Bowmead, Brentry, Broomhill, Hayleigh, Maesknoll and St Peter's, plus Coombe, Rockwell, Wellhay and Greville. Also under threat are day-care services including Lanercost, Lawrence Link, St George, Shire Link, Dover Court, North Bristol Drop In, South Bristol Drop In and New Horizons, as well as other day care services for people with dementia. And of course all the voluntary sector organisations whose funding is threatened – see our website for the full list here.

We would like to hear from users of these services and their families so we can involve them in our campaign. If anyone has contact with any of them please get in touch at

Today's Evening Post carried this article about the closure of day centres.

If you want more information about anything below email
More information on BADACA and events can be found at our website and via the link to Facebook from there

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