Monday, 6 December 2010

Socialism Today - out now

Latest issue of Socialism Today, monthly review journal of The Socialist Party, is available for purchase from local activists in Bristol or from the national Socialist Party website!

Price: 2 Pounds.

Featured Articles:
Just The Start- Peter Taaffe (General Secretary of the Socialist Party) assesses the impact of the student protests on the anti-cuts movement
Quantitative easing- Could the Federal Reserve Plan B for the US economy work? Lynn Walsh writes
Cuba: the future uncertain- Is Cuba on the road to capitalist restoration? asks Tony Saunois
Dylan & the Communist Party- Frank Riley looks at how the CP built up Bob Dylan and then tried to knock him down.
Wolf- The continuing impact of Jack London. Hawking and Penrose- New thoughts on the ultimate question. Made in Dagenham in 1968-How we reported the strike at the time.
For copies contact either:

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