Youth Fight for Jobs sends its solidarity and support to the struggles of workers and young people in Spain. Internationally young people are forced to fight for a future, and from Iran to Spain are taking to the streets by the million.
A movement of millions has built up over the last few months in response to devastating cuts and the conditions facing Spanish people. Now young people have come to the fore, fighting against conditions that threaten to make them the 'ni ni' generation, no job, no house. For Spanish youth, almost half are unemployed. Devastating cuts are planned and are already being implemented. Politicians are more concerned with bailing out their big business mates than the lives of the majority of the population.
Many young people in Britain will recognise this as similar to those we face. If the politicians are allowed to get away with their brutal attacks, we will find ourselves in similar conditions. But the one thing that can stop them is by young people and workers taking the road of Spain and others, to fight back in our masses and say no to all cuts, no to mass unemployment, and for the right to determine our own future.
If there are Spanish people involved in the struggle in Britain or Spain who would like to discuss with us, or have suggestions for how we can support your movement, contact us on
The crisis that you face is the crisis that we face, an international crisis of capitalism. It is vital that we stand together across borders and fight for a future for all. We say "we won't be a lost generation! Fight for jobs and education!"

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